
Best motorbike routes in Ostrava Czechia

Ostrava region has many interesting areas to visit especially if you are a person interested in industrial heritage, war monuments and technical attractions of last 100 years. Moravian-Silesian region gives many places to visit, it's not a touristic area at all even for Czech citizens which gives you exclusivity while visiting. Motorbiking is nice everywhere on the globe and here are my tips for the best locations around here based on my experience and long residence. Where to rent motorcycle?


Article was reviewed in 7/2024 and it is still up to date.


The asphalt quality is good for normal road bikes and since everyone is riding enduros it's no problem at all. This guide is about asphalt riding. There is nowadays also offroad TET Czechia alias Trans Czech Trail and it goes around here too


I found nice map with highlighted moto routes in the whole Czechia




I am trying to mention here places easily accessible from motorcycle without hiking. First, local exploration around Ostrava for touristic riders.

Trip 1

The epicenter of motorbiker life in the region is "Motobar Bravantice" you can get there from Ostrava via a road over Janová (Polanka na Odrou). You can stop there and have non-alcoholic beer from a tap, coffee, or even a meal.

Zone of small curvy roads starts northern from motobar. Zbyslavice, Kyjovice, Těškovice, Výškovice (viewing tower Slatina), Hlubočec, Jakubčovice (viewing tower) and beautiful chateaux in Hradec nad Moravicí as a target. You can cruise truly in any direction there and stay close to Ostrava.

Trip 2

Shorter would be a trip from "Mining Museum Landek Park" in edge of Ostrava then ride via Antošovice and Šilheřovice to Darkovičky where you can visit WW2 fortrification system museum MO-S 19 Alej(These objects are all around the former Nazi border. If you are interested in these, I can recommend also MO-S 5 Na trati in Bohumín).



Small roads continue to Kozmice, Jilešovice, Hrabyně (WW2 monument and museum) and then on a former big road to Josefovice and Velká Polom to perfect final stop in "Plesenská kafrárna" where they have nice cheap meals, coffee or deserts.

Beskydy mountains

We have two mountain zones around. Let's start with the Beskydy mountains southern from Ostrava close to Slovakia.

Trip 3

The begining of the most famoust motorbike road starts in EuroOil petrol station in Ostravice, there are plenty of motorbikers taking coffee on sunny Saturdays. Near to the dam starts the most famous and quite fast road in here with numbered turns if you need to call rescue. The perfect asphalt takes you to Staré Hamry, Ski-center Bílá to the Slovakian border. I would continue to Makov, then to Velké Karlovice (natural swimming place on the way). Or go to Melocík for traditional slovakian food for low prices.

A nice curvy road is in the direction Hutisko-Solanec from where you can interrupt your journey in traditional Pustevny or Wallachian Open Air Museum and try to eat some "frgál".

This is already a very long list, but my other "must visit" place around is Štramberská Trúba viewing tower and beautiful village. Technical fans can visit the Tatra car manufacturer's museum in Kopřivnice where I ate in English speaking friendly restaurant U Bartoloměje during my visit.

Trip 4

I like to cruise around country borders in this area. If you too then the perfect place is Trojmezí CZ/SK/PL in Hrčava. I maximally recommend arriving there from the Polish side (via Wisła). You need to walk a bit to reach the tri-border. The best leave is to Slovakia via Czech Mosty u Jablůnkova where is a nice bobsleigh track (Ski areál Mosty). You can join the track described in trip 3 if you drive in direction of Turzovka.

Jeseníky mountains

Jeseníky are a bit more serious mountains where we have the highest point of the region. Roads are more narrow there and curvier.

Trip 5

Mountain pass Červenohorské sedlo is the top road there, but be careful during sunny weekends there are many police patrols interested in your speed, overpassing style and nowadays also exhaust loudness.

I am not sure what to recommend there first. Perhaps, fast road 11 from Bruntál via Rýmařov to Šumperk. Trains fans might like narrow-gauge trains in Osoblaha. Visiting Zlaté Hory is nice and roads in direction of polish Ladek-Zdroj are worth riding too.

Wallachian area

I found pretty nice article how to make perfect motorcycle day next to city Valašské Meziříčí just 40 min drive from Ostrava. It's written in Czech, but you can surely put it to translator and there is even map with downloadable GPX (export button in summary of the right column).


Where to look for motorbikers events?

Up-to-date crowd base online database of events is located on motorkari.cz/motoakce (unfortunately, only in Czech) You want to select there "Moravskoslezský kraj" or other regions "kraj" to see what is happening.

What about some physical places?

We have Centrum bezpečné jízdy Libros Ostrava which hosts many driving training events or shows. A similar place is Polygon Třinec Steel Ring. Occasionally there are also events in MOTOPARK Ostrava.

Do you need some equipment?

You can buy some gadgets or clothes in BikersCrown Ostrava. I am buying my stuff from a physical store Motozem Dobrá.

This was a short overview of motorbike ride possibilities in Moravskoslezský kraj. I hope it was helpful and you can enjoy your ride even more.

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