
Jawa RVM 500 error codes diag

I am trying to collect here all error codes I got or I spot somewhere.

It seems there are not uncommon "false alarms" when motorcycle is working normally especially when error is coming out of nowhere. 

General advises: use basic OBD2 diagnostic module (typically with Bluetooth connection to your phone where you have an app) check error code and reset error. If it comes again then you might need to do real investigation.

Without diagnostics: advice from dealer is to disconnect battery for a moment. Or I heard some errors you can reset by holding left button on dashboard.

Owners on the internet are mentioning engine light due to ungentle shifting or right after taking gasoline.

Error codes spotted


"O2 sensor slow response after coast down fuel cutoff "

o2 sensor is a common problem that causes a service engine light. But there could be lots of things that cause it. Idea: Make sure your gas cap is tightened all the way.

nothing happened after erasing the code, managed to delete when changing time in dashboard



Shad conversion 4P to 3P luggages

SHAD is a Spanish motorcycle accessories manufacturer famous for their luggage systems. They do variety of boxes, bags and especially holders for various motorcycle brands. 

Originally I didn't choose them but Shad 3P was the only aftermarket rack available for my motorcycle. I took two SH23 boxes for it and I was happy. The system is enough lightweight but robust.

Later with my next bike there was only available Shad 4P system rack and my existing boxes were not listed as supported but I still went with it. What made me angry was the fact that boxes are fitting to the rack perfectly - incompatible is only locking plastic pad/piece. 

Typical compatibility problem is that top loaded boxes are not possible open on rack made for side loaded cases, but it wasn't case here.

The easiest method how to proceed was to order replacement holder parts for 3P locking system "D1B23FIR" and customize it for 4P rack. That include unreturnable changes. Luckily it is made out of plastic so this goes easy with hand tools. 

First you need to drill hole to the back of it to fit 20 mm go-through pipe preferably with countersink drill. Then to do two straight cuts on bottom and back to allow it to be inserted on the pipe. 

Second part is to accommodate anstislip / antirotate pin. That I did by drilling series of holes to the rights spot and interconnecting them with file. Perhaps some more precise and nicer proces could be used than I did.

Third last step was to drill hole to allow zip tie to hold lock pad on the right spot without possibility of lifting it up. Since mechanical stability is secured by metal pin this is just for additional strength and to stay together.

To whom questing the security: Yes it is less secure then 3P system but even that you could unscrew from the back or unmount the whole rack from motorcycle with a hexa key. Do not leave anything too valuable in side boxes. :)

Why I love this is SH23 cases are not wider than handlebar - agility of motorcycle is not affected compared to SH36 boxes that would go over default siluet. I can't imagine attaching horrible huge TR36 liters bags either.

Solution is now under testing process. No issues occurred after first few hundred kilometers with load or without. 

  • first feedback, one zip tie isn't enough strong to hold the whole weight. I recommend to use multiple zip zies and I am adding also silver and electric black tape around.
  • bigger bags = heavier bike (it feels sometimes too much even with 2x23 l)
  • two sh23 bokex are not possible to carry in one hand, so someone have to open doors for you
  • sh23 cannot be overloaded because then lock doesn't work. Also you need to open them to attach to bike (can be pretty annoying when parking on a rain)

Technical note

If you don't like this solution then get 3P panniers from similar motorcycle and adapt those. I got advised that for my Macbor Montana XR5 500 is also compatible with holder rack for Versys 650 that could be adapted with a bit of mechanical attempts to fit this bike too. It is your choise if you can cut plastic or metal with your skills / equipment. 
Anyway Shame on Shad for not providing full range of combinations to their products.


Nolan B1 headset USB cable replacement

I got to my hands "historic" flip up helmet helmet Nolan N104A from the year 2011. It was in excellent unused condition and equipped with headset NCOM B1 introduced in 2013. I was mostly interested to put in work the headset (since I use true wireless headphones usually). 

Original price of the headset was $230 + helmet itself wasn't cheap either. I remember my dad using that time modular flip up helmet with radio CB on wired headset in his motorcycle. It was annoying system.

The issue with Nolan N-COM headsets is the use of proprietary USB cable. Don't get me wrong miniUSB is (was) standard connector but it is placed in very deep in oval plug perhaps due to water protection. I had normal miniUSB cable from camera but is was not possible to mechanically plug it. I looked internet and original part is no more available. Note: you can buy it from here.

I wanted first to test that headset is not completely dead, so I opened the module and got into plastic container. That moment I was able to start charging the battery. Then I had plenty of time to use file and pliers to extend the hole to be able to accept standard connector and reassemble the helmet.

After I found pairing mode I was able to connect it to my Samsung Galaxy S24 phone and play Spotify+YT music on the headset. Connecting simultaneously TomTom GPS caused lagging in the music play so I disconnected navigation. 

N-com side buttons are able to control music. Headset user manual. It's not the most logical system ever but it works. 

  • 1 second press is volume control
  • 2 seconds press is pause/play 
  • 4 seconds is next/previous song. 
Quality of sound is decent, I was not used to hear so much of my own motorcycle when using headphones buds.

Fun fact: existence of build-in headphones and headset box on my left side was causing that Galaxy buds  left headphone was loosing Bluetooth signal. I used it in so many helmets but here it happened for the first time.

Details about configuration you can find in Nolan Wizard app for Windows, Android and few more (note Nolan Easy is not the correct app).

Final note is about helmet itself. It could be apparently used both in closed and open mode when locked with a little button. Everyone on internet had one size smaller size than usually (confirmed by me, I would also choose XL, but Nolan L fits me perfectly)

In the end the system is nice to use and I have to consider getting motorcycle headset for my next helmet that is going to be Cassida. The most popular are nowadays SENA systems, but I would have to do more comprehensive research.


BusinessCentral switching login to AAD

We hade set Windows login in Business Central on premises instance and during database refresh was requested to add login via Microsoft Entra.

The process has nothing to do with the database. All configuration is local. It is well described in this official documentation. What I did.

  1. IIS site, tab Authentication, Windows Authentication Enabled on HTTP 401 Challenge
  2. IIS site file root
    1. find file navsettings.json in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\BCDEVname\
    2. switch ClientServicesCredentialType to value "AccessControlService"
    3. restart IIS
  3. Microsoft Entra App registration settings
    1. create new registration https://entra.microsoft.com
    2. set redirect URI https://xxx.xx/SignIn
    3. api permissions for "User.Read"
    4. expose an API
      1. set application ID uri to the format of https://xxx.xx/ ideally
    5. go back to overview and click button "Endpoints" to see URLs
  4. MMC console for Business Central button edit
    1. Tab general
      1. Credential Type: AccessControlService
      2. Uncheck "Disable Token-Signing Certificate Validation"
    2. Tab Azure Active Directory
      1. Application Client ID: <insert ID from App registration in Azure>
      2. WS-Federation login endpoint: https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenantID>/wsfed?wa=wsignin1.0%26wtrealm=<applicationApiIdUri>%26wreply=https://xxx.xx/SignIn
      3.  Metadata endpoint: https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenantID>/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml
  5.  save and restart BC instance
    1. if errors then check event viewer on server: Windows logs / Application.

Next time you open https://xxx.xx/ you will be redirected to AAD Entra login page.


Global admin don't see subscription with GDAP

I am an indirect reseller (Tier 2) and I recently ordered an Azure subscription from our Indirect provider for our existing customer's tenant with approved GDAP roles but when I entered service management via Partner Center and open Azure Portal I didn't see any subscription available. 

The subscription was deployed and I saw it when I was using the Global Admin account in the customer's tenant (domain .onmicrosoft.com). At the same time, I was unable to see the same subscription with the GDAP technician account. This was a decent blocker.

I was expecting I could solve it myself because what else than double Global admin would be needed? It ended up with the indirect provider being the side to fix it by making the subscription accessible. The keyword for the whole operation is "include the indirect reseller".

Partner with indirect resellers in the Cloud Solution Provider program - Partner Center | Microsoft Learn

Well, I thought at first it would be enough. But no, still no change. The next keyword to follow is "AOBO" which stands for 'Admin on Behalf of' and it is briefly explained in the article:

Workloads supported by granular delegated admin privileges (GDAP) - Partner Center | Microsoft Learn

But what I found explaining even better was this CSP dev video (from 17:45 onwards).

Subscription owner role needs to be set via Powershell (only) for a groupID that exists with AdminAgents GDAP role in Tier2's PartnerCenter by a user with global admin or similar elevated permissions based on the customer's tenant.

The commands are following

  1. Install-Module -Name AzureAD
  2. Connect-AzureRmAccount
  3.  Get-AzureRmSubscription
  4. New-AzureRmRoleAssignment

So good old Powershell only magic in Azure. After configuring that the subscription is normally visible to all Partner tenant users so I could get back to the actual assignment.

Note: if you don't see subscription even with the customer tenant account then you might want to use this elevation trick in Entra:


Jak používat GoPro jako webkameru

Při vylepšování svého pracovního místa jsem dospěl k závěru, že má webkamera z notebooku na mě kouká ze špatného úhlu. Nemyslím tím z podhledu, který se dá vyřešit elegantně za pomocí stojánku počítače, ale z boku. To je pro mě během delších hovorů ergonomicky nepohodlné. Rozhodl jsem se proto vyřešit to přidáním webkamery v ose mého hlavního monitoru.

Kvalitní kamera je stejně jako cokoliv se slušným obrazovým snímačem docela drahá věc, hodí se proto využít již vlastněné kusy. Moje GoPro používám specificky nárazově (většinu času leží ve skříni) a má vestavěný mód webkamery. 

Začnu mechanicky: Umístění na horní hranu monitoru jsem vyřešil za pomocí 3D tisku, kdy jsem si vytvořil stojánek. Úzký rámeček monitoru je pro umístění přídavné webkamery docela problém. Model naleznete tady, kamaráda s tiskárnou snad také.

Na připojení k počítači je třeba USB-C kabel, který má také datový přenos. Je potřeba jej připojit do dobře napájeného portu, kdy například USB hub monitoru nedokázal zajistit dostatečný příkon. Mám svůj počítač v dokovačce, u které jsem vybral modrý port USB 3.0.

Připojené GoPro se zahřívá a je po celou dobu vlažné. Nemám ponětí, kolik spotřebovává energie, ale nějaká to bude. Já ho používám s vyjmutou baterií, abych nesnižoval její životnost. Pro elegantnější vzhled mám nasazená pass-through dvířka.

Softwarová obsluha: Pro přítomnost webkamery v menu aplikace Teams a jiných je potřeba mít nainstalovanou a spuštěnou podpůrnou aplikaci. Přenos probíhá pomocí systému RNDIS přes síť, kdy je vyžadovaná výjimka ve firewallu. Tušíte správně instalace potřebuje administrátorská práva a třeba naše korporátní IT z toho nebylo u pracovního laptopu nadšené.

Jestli se potýkýte s chybovou hláškou že připojení selhalo a používáte Avast je to tím, že připojení k síti GoPro RNDIS Device s IP adresou je považováno za nedůvěryhodné a musíte tuto síť přidat do výjimek.

Upozornění GoPro (stále) neumí používat vestavěný mikrofon jako zvukový vstup. I nadále tak potřebujete mikrofon na svých sluchátcích.

Přepínání čoček je možné přes zmíněnou obslužnou aplikaci a s možností náhledu hned porovnat změnu. Zde se přiznám, že ultraširoký mód mi přijde nevhodný pro kameru, kde chci snímat především sebe a tak mám nastavenu tu základní.

Před zpřístupněním obrazu do konferenční aplikace se zobrazuje načítací obrazovka. Je tam pár sekund prodleva, alespoň když je dokovací stanice s kamerou připojená protokolem USB do hostitelského počítače. S Thunderboltem by to bylo jistě rychlejší. 

Více problému mi dělá, když počítač přenesu do kanceláře, kdy je volbu kamery nutné manuálně přepnout v Teamsech, protože zařízení je díky běžící službě stále přítomné i když samotný hardware není. 

Jak výstup z kamery vůbec vypadá? Hezky, ale upřímně nepoznám moc rozdíl proti moderní vestavěné kameře s HD rozlišením. Jestli je ovšem vaše referenční video z nějaké 10 let+ staré webkamery, pak vylepšení kvality poznáte.

GoPro je použitelná náhrada za webkameru? Ano je, nicméně díky obslužnému softwaru není používání tak přímočaré jako u klasické USB webkamery.

Akční kamera však nepodporuje Windows Hello se kterým byste mohli odemykat uživatelský profil. Jestli potřebujete kameru, protože používáte notebook složený, tak toto není vhodnou volbou.

Update po dalších 3 měsících používání: S postupem času se řešení ukázalo jako nespolehlivé. Někdy se GoPro nepřipojí nebo zůstane viset na načítačí obrazovce v nejhorším případě havaruje celá aplikace Teams. Řešit tyto detaily je v momentě začínající schůzky krajně nepohodlné. Konečným zabijákem je pak chaos, který obsluhující aplikace vyvolává, když je GoPro mimo domácí replikátor. Řešení jsem nahradil konvenční USB webkamerou.

Soustavu jsem pak později doplnil ještě o mikrofon Sandberg Streamer USB s ramenem. Nikdo si na zvuk nestěžoval ani předtím, ale hezky to vypadá v setupu. Co je nemilé, že filtr na rozmazávání pozadí zneviditelňuje tento gadget, takže jej nikdo nemůže ocenit. 

Pro kvalitní obraz je potřeba nejen dobrá kamera, ale také slušné osvětlení, Já to vyřešil stolní lampou (LED bar) Logitech Litra Beam. Je skvělé, ale rozhodně není levné.

Poznámka pod čarou: Chtěl jsem zjistit jaká je má vestavěná kamera v notebooku Dell Precision 5770, nenacházím však žádné detaily než id USB\VID_0C45&PID_6732 a obrazové detaily "1 MP 1280 x 720 (HD) at 30 fps" z dokumentace výrobce.


Remote Desktop client login loop

I was experiencing issue with Remote Desktop app (with orange icon) for accessing AVD workspace. It was working in browser version, it was working on my iPad but I was unable to login from my private Windows PC.

I got into the workspace resources with my username and password in email format but RDP was not initiating and looping in login prompt:

the username and password used to connect to the remote resource didn't work

What I found was the source of problem: I had installed RDS client from Microsoft Store "Windows Store Remote Desktop app" but version from there is not working with AVD and Windows Server 2019. I had to get MSI installer and proceed with that. After that all worked smoothly.

Web client: https://client.wvd.microsoft.com/arm/webclient/

Windows client download: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-desktop/users/connect-windows (get MSI package)  

Other platforms link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/remote/remote-desktop-services/clients/remote-desktop-clients

Universal workspace URL: https://rdweb.wvd.microsoft.com/api/arm/feeddiscovery

That's all, I hope it helped :)


POFerries multiple motorcycles booking

I have some upcoming summer plans to travel to the UK from the Netherlands with a group of motorcyclists. So I tried to book a ferry to there. What was my surprise when I realized how horrible experience it would be on their official page poferries.com. Here are some tips, so you are not so surprised.
The online store can do only one vehicle per booking and if you need more, you have to call their support number +44 1304 44 88 88. On the other end of the line was sitting a lady with a heavy English accent and flu so it was an extremely unpleasant procedure. I repeated what I previously inserted into the normal reservation - dates, people, cabins, and first motorcycles. Two more motorcycles were added as separate bookings, so a total of three bookings which numbers I got to write down. Then it started. 

They want you to tell them your name and email address so of course it went wrong and confirmation was not arriving in my email. The call was already 38 minutes (a long wait in a queue since call back was not working) so I hung up and sent an email to the support address help@poferries.com to add correct information to the booking. Well, I got the answer in a couple of hours that they can do modifications only by call not by email. At least they resent booking details to my address so I could see it is done correctly.
The next issue was that booking via call was valid for 2 days till the end of their working hours. During that time you have to call them, wait in queue (29 min), tell them the booking numbers again and pay. It goes that you type to your dialing keyboard your payment card details and they take money from your card (without any verification for me) but I intentionally used my Revolut debit card where I have not more than needed resources. Then I had again to request booking confirmation to have something in hand.
Hopefully traveling is going to be much better than this. It is not my first ferry journey but so far the most horrible and decently expensive booking. Other providers have the option to just add another vehicle to your order.