It was surprisingly complicated to find the correct version of the Windows Server 2022 image name or so call offer ID.
The version of Windows Server 2022 for use in Azure has id:
The version of Windows Server 2022 with SQL 2022 has id:
The version of Windows Server 2022 with SQL 2019 has id:
How to find more codes of Offer / Publisher / Sku / Urn / UrnAliasidentification? Answer is via Azure CloudShell by an az-cli command
az vm image list --location <location> --subscription <subscriptionId> -o table --publisher MicrosoftWindowsServer --all > allMs.txt
az vm image list --location <location> --subscription <subscriptionId> -o table --publisher microsoftsqlserver --all > allMsSql.txt
Note: you can't see WS2022 in default view of az vm image list without "-all" so far (1/2022).
And the tricky part is you can also deploy the new WS2022 via Azure Portal where you can find deployment URN in Template.json. Those look similar but aren't the same.
Using MarketPlaceOfferId in Az-cli (az vm create command) will cause following error message
ERROR: (ResourceNotFound) The Resource 'Microsoft.Compute/images/microsoftsqlserver.sql2019-ws2022sqldev' under resource group '<resourceGroup>' was not found. For more details please go to
Figure this out took me an unnecessarily long, so hopefully, you can be faster with my help.
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